Sunday, January 7, 2007

I'm becoming a vampire.

I've always had a irregular sleep pattern. Even when I was in middle school, I would stay awake until 1a.m. It naturally progressed to between 2-4a.m. during high school. Wake up time for school was always around 6:45 a.m. since I always had to compensate for 45 min showers. (Yes, I know that a long time for a shower, but when I'm in the shower is the only time during the day, that I am completely at peace and can get my thoughts together.)

Now that college has rolled around, my average bedtime is 5. Which is pretty late, but now I get to choose what time my classes start and I make sure that I can sleep in every other day. Currently over break my average bed time has risen to 7. Even I can now emit that I have a insomniac problem. Going to sleep as your dad is waking is never a good thing.

What has caused this to progress so far?

Well as my experiences during daytime have been getting worse and worse. The night has begun to look more and more inviting and pleasant. I have always enjoyed the dark calmness of night and disliked the bright chaos of day. Most days I am awake for only a couple hours of sunlight.

I think I might have to lower my bed time before school starts again.

1 comment:

Oh, Sarah... said...

I totally relate to everything in this post and I'm sure you already know this considering we're both on AIM till 4AM.

I remember in Physics you were always so freaking tired and basically sleeping during classes. It's strange how my body wouldn't get tired until after school. I guess I was just lucky?

Idk. I hope that you and I fix this whole bad sleeping habit ordeal we have fixated for ourselves. :/
