Monday, January 22, 2007

The battle continues................

During Friday and Saturday all I did was sleep and work. On Saturday I was so tired from work I collapsed at 9:30 p.m. I woke up at 6:30 a.m. and was bored for most of the morning. Falling asleep and waking up so early would nearly kill me later that day.

After being bored for most the morning. I went to work for a couple hours. Then I drove up to DeKalb for Headlights show. Of course it had to snow the one day I went out. So, after a few fishtails, I was able to make it to the show. Inspecter Owl opened who I'm friends with and they put on a good show. Headlights played next and they were very good. Then I stayed for half of the Asobi Seksu set. I was really tired and didn't really get into their Japanese dream pop music. So, on the drive back from DeKalb I almost fell asleep way too many times. I basically blasted music and slapped myself to stay a wake. I don't remember most of the drive ,but I did check the time when I got home. I discovered that it only took me 50 minutes to drive from DeKalb to Elgin and it usually takes about an hour and twenty minutes. I was able to shave a half hour at night, in the snow, and almost asleep. That's kind of scary. At the begginging of the week I couldn't fall asleep before 7a.m., now as the week ends I can't stay up past midnight.

This is just anther day in my battle to balance out my sleep pattern.

1 comment:

Oh, Sarah... said...

I wanna see Headlights live! shouldn't really drive tired, Greg!