Sunday, April 1, 2007

Got to hope for the best and the best looks great now baby

Spring Break is almost over. Overall its been pretty good, mostly these last couple days.

I got my xbox 360 back in the from the repair place. For the first time in long time the dogs were actually useful and woke me up when the UPS guy came, since he came before noon it is impossible for me to get up that early during spring break.

During this week I also went up to NIU hang out with Lenny. Which consisted if the usual playing video games, going to the junction, and getting drunk. It was fun and the people he hangs out with at NIU are pretty cool.

Also during spring break I bought my plane tickets for my Germany trip. For about two and a half weeks I get to hang out with my family over their. Last summer trip was mostly about travel and following the world cup games and festivities, so I ended up only spending about two days with family that I haven't seen in over 8 years.

I also bought a new notebook computer. Its so nice to be able to connect to the internet wireless and not have it freeze when I log into myspace. Plus now I can store alot more music. It will also help with my computer science class, since now I can work on assignments at home.

The new house is getting really close to being finished. Today we put carpet in my room. I have to say installing carpet is major pain. We also finished the kitchen this week. So all that is left to finish is the stairs and living room and then we move in. I'm really starting to get excited about the idea of moving in.

The way I see things right now. Last week was my lowest low. I'm thinking that there is no where to go, but up. The way things came together this week have made me actually happy for the first time in a long time and the next couple months look not to bad either. I hope this is the beginning of my life coming back together and not just a temporary happiness that my life has mostly consisted of.

I'm starting to want to do something that will either put me at a greater level of happiness that I ever been or will sent back down to where I was the past year. I'm very afraid.

Music:Surround Sound-The Sun Is On Our Side

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