Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Unexpected Apology

So, today before my first class. I posted a sad comment on Sparklehorses myspace blog about him changing the venue. When I got home to my surprise I had received a message from him apologizing. He is now back on my very good side.

Also to my surprise I might have actually picked the right field to major in. I find programing in Computer Science to be quite enjoyable, but its still early.

My psychology class was pretty crazy today. We talked about how humans could eventually store their brain in a hardrive and saw a parapolegic move a computer mouse using his mind with a wire connected to his head. The teacher also talked about a experiment in the 60's. Where they took the head off of on monkey and put on the body of anther monkey. The sick part was both monkeys were alive and the procedure was a success, but the monkey with head transplant died a couple days after from a infection.

Lastly why the hell are we still going over the syllabus in McTinghes intro to non-western humanities class?

Music: Sparklehorse-It's Not So Hard

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