* to smile: The Age Of Rockets- Once We Were Monsters
* to dance: Ted Leo and The Pharmacists- Little Dawn
* to Cry: Elliott Smith- Everything Means Nothing To Me
* to Make love to: Spiritualized- Spread Your Wings
* to cheer you up: The Flaming Lips- Do You Realize??
* to shout along to: Starlight Mints- Valerie Flames
* to whistle along to: Badly Drawn Boy- You Were Right
* to Drive around to: Broken Social Scene- Cause=Time
* to relax: The Album Leaf- Thule
* to wake up to: The Helio Sequence- (Square) Bubbles
* to walk to: Spoon- I Summon You
* to inspire you: Sigur Ros- Hoppipolla
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Unexpected Apology
So, today before my first class. I posted a sad comment on Sparklehorses myspace blog about him changing the venue. When I got home to my surprise I had received a message from him apologizing. He is now back on my very good side.
Also to my surprise I might have actually picked the right field to major in. I find programing in Computer Science to be quite enjoyable, but its still early.
My psychology class was pretty crazy today. We talked about how humans could eventually store their brain in a hardrive and saw a parapolegic move a computer mouse using his mind with a wire connected to his head. The teacher also talked about a experiment in the 60's. Where they took the head off of on monkey and put on the body of anther monkey. The sick part was both monkeys were alive and the procedure was a success, but the monkey with head transplant died a couple days after from a infection.
Lastly why the hell are we still going over the syllabus in McTinghes intro to non-western humanities class?
Music: Sparklehorse-It's Not So Hard
Also to my surprise I might have actually picked the right field to major in. I find programing in Computer Science to be quite enjoyable, but its still early.
My psychology class was pretty crazy today. We talked about how humans could eventually store their brain in a hardrive and saw a parapolegic move a computer mouse using his mind with a wire connected to his head. The teacher also talked about a experiment in the 60's. Where they took the head off of on monkey and put on the body of anther monkey. The sick part was both monkeys were alive and the procedure was a success, but the monkey with head transplant died a couple days after from a infection.
Lastly why the hell are we still going over the syllabus in McTinghes intro to non-western humanities class?
Music: Sparklehorse-It's Not So Hard
Monday, January 29, 2007
Untitled Disappointment
Well I'm kind of pissed since I just found out they moved the Sparklehorse show to a 21 plus venue. Today was also pretty shitty.
Funny fact of the day is I found out there is cursing in the song hey jude. I didn't believe it either when I first found out, but I gave it a sharp listen and found out it was true. Around 2:52 John says in the background," Got the wrong chord, fucking hell".
Music: Thievery Corporation-Marching The Hate Machines Into The Sun
Funny fact of the day is I found out there is cursing in the song hey jude. I didn't believe it either when I first found out, but I gave it a sharp listen and found out it was true. Around 2:52 John says in the background," Got the wrong chord, fucking hell".
Music: Thievery Corporation-Marching The Hate Machines Into The Sun
Sunday, January 28, 2007
All work and bored.
Due to certain plans not working out. My weekend ended up being all work. Which includes flooring and going out to a auction in Sandwhich and getting in touch with my inner red neck. This time wasn't as entertaining as last time. My dad only bought a bunch of wood trim, which almost slid out the back door a couple of times. Luckily I caught the piece before it fell out and hit the car behind us. To add to the craziness was my music player changed to Ofspring's song "Original Prankster", while I was holding on for dear life.
What made last time more entertaining was the fact we able to transport 40 doors using a station wagon. We put 25 doors on top of the wagon and the rest we crammed inside, with a few pieces of trim. To add to the craziness is only one headlight was barely working and it was dark when we made the hour plus drive. Even the rednecks were like ," He ain't gonna make it" and were taking pictures next to it. I have some cell phone pictures of this and will one day post it on here when I'm not lazy.
Also I was bored last night, so I completely redid myspace layout. The background picture is the galaxy M83 and I tied the music with the whole space theme. By using one of my favorite Spiritualized songs. I also added a couple of blogs from here. Yes, I was very bored.
Lastly I just watched Good Will Hunting for the first time. I must say it was quite amazing. It was also nice to hear a few Elliott Smith songs in the film.
Next weekend I'm pretty sure will be more fun.
Music: The Decemberists-Engine Driver
What made last time more entertaining was the fact we able to transport 40 doors using a station wagon. We put 25 doors on top of the wagon and the rest we crammed inside, with a few pieces of trim. To add to the craziness is only one headlight was barely working and it was dark when we made the hour plus drive. Even the rednecks were like ," He ain't gonna make it" and were taking pictures next to it. I have some cell phone pictures of this and will one day post it on here when I'm not lazy.
Also I was bored last night, so I completely redid myspace layout. The background picture is the galaxy M83 and I tied the music with the whole space theme. By using one of my favorite Spiritualized songs. I also added a couple of blogs from here. Yes, I was very bored.
Lastly I just watched Good Will Hunting for the first time. I must say it was quite amazing. It was also nice to hear a few Elliott Smith songs in the film.
Next weekend I'm pretty sure will be more fun.
Music: The Decemberists-Engine Driver
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Stuck in my head
So, toady my classes didn't start till late in the day. I had time to browse the wonderful youtube. I watched these videos and later had them stuck replaying in my head. All three are amazing........
The Album Leaf Short Documentary
Happy Videos with puppets
(Funny side note: A friend told me that Boy Least Likely To used to write songs for the Spice Girls.)
Happy Elliott
Sadness of Translation
Hope you enjoyed the daily thought process of whats stuck in head. One more day and then done with classes for the week. :)
The Album Leaf Short Documentary
Happy Videos with puppets
(Funny side note: A friend told me that Boy Least Likely To used to write songs for the Spice Girls.)
Happy Elliott
Sadness of Translation
Hope you enjoyed the daily thought process of whats stuck in head. One more day and then done with classes for the week. :)
Monday, January 22, 2007
The battle continues................
During Friday and Saturday all I did was sleep and work. On Saturday I was so tired from work I collapsed at 9:30 p.m. I woke up at 6:30 a.m. and was bored for most of the morning. Falling asleep and waking up so early would nearly kill me later that day.
After being bored for most the morning. I went to work for a couple hours. Then I drove up to DeKalb for Headlights show. Of course it had to snow the one day I went out. So, after a few fishtails, I was able to make it to the show. Inspecter Owl opened who I'm friends with and they put on a good show. Headlights played next and they were very good. Then I stayed for half of the Asobi Seksu set. I was really tired and didn't really get into their Japanese dream pop music. So, on the drive back from DeKalb I almost fell asleep way too many times. I basically blasted music and slapped myself to stay a wake. I don't remember most of the drive ,but I did check the time when I got home. I discovered that it only took me 50 minutes to drive from DeKalb to Elgin and it usually takes about an hour and twenty minutes. I was able to shave a half hour at night, in the snow, and almost asleep. That's kind of scary. At the begginging of the week I couldn't fall asleep before 7a.m., now as the week ends I can't stay up past midnight.
This is just anther day in my battle to balance out my sleep pattern.
After being bored for most the morning. I went to work for a couple hours. Then I drove up to DeKalb for Headlights show. Of course it had to snow the one day I went out. So, after a few fishtails, I was able to make it to the show. Inspecter Owl opened who I'm friends with and they put on a good show. Headlights played next and they were very good. Then I stayed for half of the Asobi Seksu set. I was really tired and didn't really get into their Japanese dream pop music. So, on the drive back from DeKalb I almost fell asleep way too many times. I basically blasted music and slapped myself to stay a wake. I don't remember most of the drive ,but I did check the time when I got home. I discovered that it only took me 50 minutes to drive from DeKalb to Elgin and it usually takes about an hour and twenty minutes. I was able to shave a half hour at night, in the snow, and almost asleep. That's kind of scary. At the begginging of the week I couldn't fall asleep before 7a.m., now as the week ends I can't stay up past midnight.
This is just anther day in my battle to balance out my sleep pattern.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Pictures Of Me
Start stop and start
Stupid acting smart
Flirting with the flicks
You say it's just for kicks
You'll be the victim of your
Own dirty tricks
You've got yourself to tease
And displease
Doors swinging wide
You walked in to hide
Looking at your feet
Failure's complete
Saw you and me on the
Coin-op t.v.
Frozen in fear
Everytime we got near
I'm not surprised at all
And really, why should I be?
Seen nothing wrong, seen nothing wrong
So sick and tired of all these pictures of me
Completely wrong, totally wrong
Music-Elliott Smith
Stupid acting smart
Flirting with the flicks
You say it's just for kicks
You'll be the victim of your
Own dirty tricks
You've got yourself to tease
And displease
Doors swinging wide
You walked in to hide
Looking at your feet
Failure's complete
Saw you and me on the
Coin-op t.v.
Frozen in fear
Everytime we got near
I'm not surprised at all
And really, why should I be?
Seen nothing wrong, seen nothing wrong
So sick and tired of all these pictures of me
Completely wrong, totally wrong
Music-Elliott Smith
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Teen Angst
how fast we burn!
how fast we cry!
the more we learn,
the more we die!
the more we learn,
the more we cry!
how fast we burn!
how fast we die!
i hear the planet crying now
i hear the planet crying now
how fast we cry!
the more we learn,
the more we die!
the more we learn,
the more we cry!
how fast we burn!
how fast we die!
i hear the planet crying now
i hear the planet crying now
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in.
Compared with yesterday, today was great. I was able to sleep in and get a full night rest. Then I got to chill for a while at home, until I had to leave for class. The English class wasn't as boring as the classes yesterday and the instructor seemed to be nice. Then I found out my math class didn't start for anther week. Thanks to a kid who is in both my humanities and english class. Warning me about night how classes starting a week late and we agreed that the humanities teacher is pretty much insane.
So, I went home early and made some boxed MacN Cheese for the fist time in a long time. Then I went and worked the house until 9:30. So, now I am back on my dads good side. Lets hope tommrow goes better than yesterday.
Music: Beulah-Landslide Baby
So, I went home early and made some boxed MacN Cheese for the fist time in a long time. Then I went and worked the house until 9:30. So, now I am back on my dads good side. Lets hope tommrow goes better than yesterday.
Music: Beulah-Landslide Baby
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
This little life of mine
So, today was not very fun at all. First I wake up, well technically I didn't wake up since I a grand total of zero hours of sleep, but I blame myself for that. Then after I got ready and left I had to stop for gas. Of course my dads credit card didn't work, so I ended up going in and paying myself. Then I suddenly realized that I had forgot my best friend/baby/life/soul my psp. So, I rushed home and got it. I'm already running late and then there has to be a accident on route 20. Both lanes were blocked by a cop car and everybody had to force their way into route 25 exit.
I finally arrive ECC late for my first class intro to computer science, but I knew the instructor so it wasn't a big deal. Then I went to get my books, since I was planning to get them earlier, but was unable due to the accident making me late. Then I ended up being late for my next class intro to non western humanities, due to the long lines. This instructor wasn't as nice as the other one and gave me evil glares the whole class. He also had a southern droll and said ,"Ladies and Gentlemen" at least 16 times. Since I listen to Spiritualized, I hear that phrase alot, but what was kind of funny at first, ended up getting really annoying. The one cool thing he said was how puked when he saw a Bush sign in his brothers yard. Then he went on a rant about how useless psychology is, which of course is my next class. I actually made it on time to this class. The psychology teacher of course mentioned how useless anthropology classes are. By the end of the day I realized that I'm going to have to use a different of thought process for each class. Which is going to be a pain since one is in computer language and the other two seem to be polar opposites of each other.
Then I finally got to go home and collapse, until my dad wanted me to work. I told him I was dead and just let me take the day off, but of course he flipped out and now he just being a bitch. He's refusing to pay for the last book that I was unable to carry, wont wake me up when gets back from work for lunch and wont repay for the gas he said he would pay for. Now I get to look forward to English and math tomorrow. At least classes don't start till 2:30, so I can get some sleep this time.....................
Music: Nada Surf-Blonde on blonde
I finally arrive ECC late for my first class intro to computer science, but I knew the instructor so it wasn't a big deal. Then I went to get my books, since I was planning to get them earlier, but was unable due to the accident making me late. Then I ended up being late for my next class intro to non western humanities, due to the long lines. This instructor wasn't as nice as the other one and gave me evil glares the whole class. He also had a southern droll and said ,"Ladies and Gentlemen" at least 16 times. Since I listen to Spiritualized, I hear that phrase alot, but what was kind of funny at first, ended up getting really annoying. The one cool thing he said was how puked when he saw a Bush sign in his brothers yard. Then he went on a rant about how useless psychology is, which of course is my next class. I actually made it on time to this class. The psychology teacher of course mentioned how useless anthropology classes are. By the end of the day I realized that I'm going to have to use a different of thought process for each class. Which is going to be a pain since one is in computer language and the other two seem to be polar opposites of each other.
Then I finally got to go home and collapse, until my dad wanted me to work. I told him I was dead and just let me take the day off, but of course he flipped out and now he just being a bitch. He's refusing to pay for the last book that I was unable to carry, wont wake me up when gets back from work for lunch and wont repay for the gas he said he would pay for. Now I get to look forward to English and math tomorrow. At least classes don't start till 2:30, so I can get some sleep this time.....................
Music: Nada Surf-Blonde on blonde
Monday, January 15, 2007
Bad Timing
What the hell it finally snowed today.
For over four weeks it didn't snow.
Now the day before break is over it snows!
I'm very discontent right now.
Also game plan for tonight. Go to sleep before three. So I can get at least four hours of sleep.
For over four weeks it didn't snow.
Now the day before break is over it snows!
I'm very discontent right now.
Also game plan for tonight. Go to sleep before three. So I can get at least four hours of sleep.
New Frustration
So, yesterday I found a way to free about 1gig of memory. Which means I can start downloading music again. Not like I don't have enough to go through already. I still have to go through a bunch Nick Drake, Kings of Convenience, Stars, The Album Leaf and a few songs from other varies artists.
The reason all my music has piled up is ,because I just get frustrated and overwhelmed with so much new music. Anther thing that bugs me is that I have to end up deleting most of it since my psp only has 4gigs. So, basically I have sift through all the music and pick out the artists best songs. Then when I finally get through picking out my favorite songs. I have to pick what songs to delete from my psp, since its completely full. This is really painful, because at this point of time the songs that are left on it are songs that I really like. Having to pick favorites is never fun.
Today I finally got around to adding songs that I had picked out during early fall. I ended up deleting about half of my radiohead/DCFC songs. In order to make room for The Notwist, Stereolab, and Helio Sequence. It pained me to do it, but new songs are good. Plus it makes new room on my computer for more songs.
Now I just downloaded a bunch of songs by M83, My Bloody Valentine, and Mogwai. This will only add to amount of music I need to go through. I realize this is a stupid thing to be bitching about, but this whole process really takes the fun out of listening to new music. Instead of enjoying the music, I have to criticize, rate ,and compare it to other music I have. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.(Except: Buying a new music storage device since I am currently to poor for that.)
Today I also finally got my T.V. back. After throwing away about 13 Honey Nut Cheerios boxes, that had built up in my room. I was able to catch two amazing movies on t.v. The first was Dodge Ball, which is probably my favorite comedy of all time. The other was Forsest Gump, which I have seen countless times before. I can honestly say that I will never regret calling this movie, "one of the best movies ever made". The whole movie is amazing, how many different adventures he has in his life and the ending still makes me sad. The funny thing is the first couple of times I saw it, I believed it was based on a true story.
The reason all my music has piled up is ,because I just get frustrated and overwhelmed with so much new music. Anther thing that bugs me is that I have to end up deleting most of it since my psp only has 4gigs. So, basically I have sift through all the music and pick out the artists best songs. Then when I finally get through picking out my favorite songs. I have to pick what songs to delete from my psp, since its completely full. This is really painful, because at this point of time the songs that are left on it are songs that I really like. Having to pick favorites is never fun.
Today I finally got around to adding songs that I had picked out during early fall. I ended up deleting about half of my radiohead/DCFC songs. In order to make room for The Notwist, Stereolab, and Helio Sequence. It pained me to do it, but new songs are good. Plus it makes new room on my computer for more songs.
Now I just downloaded a bunch of songs by M83, My Bloody Valentine, and Mogwai. This will only add to amount of music I need to go through. I realize this is a stupid thing to be bitching about, but this whole process really takes the fun out of listening to new music. Instead of enjoying the music, I have to criticize, rate ,and compare it to other music I have. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.(Except: Buying a new music storage device since I am currently to poor for that.)
Today I also finally got my T.V. back. After throwing away about 13 Honey Nut Cheerios boxes, that had built up in my room. I was able to catch two amazing movies on t.v. The first was Dodge Ball, which is probably my favorite comedy of all time. The other was Forsest Gump, which I have seen countless times before. I can honestly say that I will never regret calling this movie, "one of the best movies ever made". The whole movie is amazing, how many different adventures he has in his life and the ending still makes me sad. The funny thing is the first couple of times I saw it, I believed it was based on a true story.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Atheist Anthem
"Jesus Christ,
When your back's against the wall
It's sure hard to be grateful
When you've nothing here at all
You say that Hell's below us, Lord
Heaven can be mineI don't believe your promises
I don't believe your lies
And, Lord, let it rain on me
Let it all come down
I'll sell my soul to let it roll
And I'm about ready now
Lord, let it rain on me
Now I know I'm goin' down
I've got a little knowledge, Lord
And I'm about ready now
Jesus Christ,
Look at what you've gone and done
2,000 years of lookin' down
The barrel of a gun
You got the fools believin'
That there's something else to gain
Jesus Christ,
When you comin' down again?
And, Lord, let it rain on me
Let it all come down
I'll sell my soul to let it roll
And I'm about ready now
Lord, let it rain on me
Now I know I'm goin' down
I've got a little knowledge, Lord
And I'm about ready now"
Now I'm not a complete Atheist. I do believe that there is a chance that god exists. Although, I don't believe he is a perfect being. Which makes it hard to find a current religion that agrees with my views. So, for now I'm going to lean towards the Atheists side.
Also the song is from Amazing Grace by Spiritualized. His most recent CD, that I thought of as a piece of crap at first listen. Like most other fans, I though it didn't have the overpowering emotional feel as his previous two Cd's. While his last Cd's took about a year to produce. Amazing Grace was done with in two weeks and was all recorded live. This gives the CD a different kind feel that you gradually learn to love. After about four listens, my view has completely changed and is now one of my favorite Cd's.
Side Note: It is official, I'm way more obsessed with Spiritualized, than you were with Stars. Hahahahahahahahaha
When your back's against the wall
It's sure hard to be grateful
When you've nothing here at all
You say that Hell's below us, Lord
Heaven can be mineI don't believe your promises
I don't believe your lies
And, Lord, let it rain on me
Let it all come down
I'll sell my soul to let it roll
And I'm about ready now
Lord, let it rain on me
Now I know I'm goin' down
I've got a little knowledge, Lord
And I'm about ready now
Jesus Christ,
Look at what you've gone and done
2,000 years of lookin' down
The barrel of a gun
You got the fools believin'
That there's something else to gain
Jesus Christ,
When you comin' down again?
And, Lord, let it rain on me
Let it all come down
I'll sell my soul to let it roll
And I'm about ready now
Lord, let it rain on me
Now I know I'm goin' down
I've got a little knowledge, Lord
And I'm about ready now"
Now I'm not a complete Atheist. I do believe that there is a chance that god exists. Although, I don't believe he is a perfect being. Which makes it hard to find a current religion that agrees with my views. So, for now I'm going to lean towards the Atheists side.
Also the song is from Amazing Grace by Spiritualized. His most recent CD, that I thought of as a piece of crap at first listen. Like most other fans, I though it didn't have the overpowering emotional feel as his previous two Cd's. While his last Cd's took about a year to produce. Amazing Grace was done with in two weeks and was all recorded live. This gives the CD a different kind feel that you gradually learn to love. After about four listens, my view has completely changed and is now one of my favorite Cd's.
Side Note: It is official, I'm way more obsessed with Spiritualized, than you were with Stars. Hahahahahahahahaha
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Future Looks Nice

Due to my t.v. being taken away. My day just consisted of listening to music and browsing the internet mostly about music. What I discovered is the future of music looks to be really good.
This year in music has been ok at best. With only few artist that I enjoy, who released records this year. Notable ones are Sparklehorse, Muse, Headlights, The Flaming Lips(not nearly their best work). As for tours I missed Muse, The Cloud Room, Sigur Ros and Matt Pond PA. But I am pretty happy with the number shows I was able to see. The only downside to the touring aspect is just the past couple months. When I was on break and I had plenty of time and money for shows. They all of sudden stopped and I ended up seeing a grand total of zero shows over break. Even my friends were wondering why there were no shows over break. Oh well, Now for the future.
The bands that are expected to release new albums consist of: Spiritualized, The Shins, Air, Matt Pond PA, Of Montreal, Wilco, Bright Eyes, and The Arcade Fire. All these bands are expected to tour to support their new albums. Plus Shout Out Louds, The Notwist, and Smashing Pumpkins are all working on a new album. Shows I definitely must see are Spiritualized, Sparklehorse, and Matt Pond PA. Over all I'm happy with the coming years possibilities.
To top this all off Halo 3 is coming out. I just got to get my 360 fixed, which is a problem that I should take care of very soon.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Not Good
So, I have been procrastinating paying for ECC. I thought you were supposed to pay like a week before classes. I just checked and the deadline was like two ago.
Time to cross my fingers and hope I wasn't dropped from my classes.
Time to cross my fingers and hope I wasn't dropped from my classes.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Sunday, January 7, 2007
I'm becoming a vampire.
I've always had a irregular sleep pattern. Even when I was in middle school, I would stay awake until 1a.m. It naturally progressed to between 2-4a.m. during high school. Wake up time for school was always around 6:45 a.m. since I always had to compensate for 45 min showers. (Yes, I know that a long time for a shower, but when I'm in the shower is the only time during the day, that I am completely at peace and can get my thoughts together.)
Now that college has rolled around, my average bedtime is 5. Which is pretty late, but now I get to choose what time my classes start and I make sure that I can sleep in every other day. Currently over break my average bed time has risen to 7. Even I can now emit that I have a insomniac problem. Going to sleep as your dad is waking is never a good thing.
What has caused this to progress so far?
Well as my experiences during daytime have been getting worse and worse. The night has begun to look more and more inviting and pleasant. I have always enjoyed the dark calmness of night and disliked the bright chaos of day. Most days I am awake for only a couple hours of sunlight.
I think I might have to lower my bed time before school starts again.
Now that college has rolled around, my average bedtime is 5. Which is pretty late, but now I get to choose what time my classes start and I make sure that I can sleep in every other day. Currently over break my average bed time has risen to 7. Even I can now emit that I have a insomniac problem. Going to sleep as your dad is waking is never a good thing.
What has caused this to progress so far?
Well as my experiences during daytime have been getting worse and worse. The night has begun to look more and more inviting and pleasant. I have always enjoyed the dark calmness of night and disliked the bright chaos of day. Most days I am awake for only a couple hours of sunlight.
I think I might have to lower my bed time before school starts again.
I'm Back
So, I haven't wrote anything here for awhile, because my computer is crap and didn't load the log in page. Now that I finally found a way around that here is a recap of what happened over the past two weeks.
Rocky Balboa- Surprisingly this movie was quite good. Best Rocky movie I can remember since the original.
Children of Men- This movie is probably the best movie I've seen in a long time. There is one word to describe this movie "intense". The story, plot, and acting are all amazing. I highly recommend it.
Christmas- It was a very good Christmas. I got mostly spiritualized stuff that I had been eagerly looking forward to for months and some unexpected money to keep me a float through whats left of winter and spring.
Christmas Presents:
Spiritualized- Amazing Grace CD(His most recent work has few garage rock gems), The Complete Works Vol. 2 CD(Amazing instrumentals and mix of b-sides and old tracks), Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space(This CD is absolutely amazing and the first three tracks alone are worth the money), Spiritualized T-Shirt(Its so cool I wore it on New Years).
The Flaming Lips-Ego Tripping At the Gates Of Hell EP(The Postal Service Remix of "Do You Realize" is a little disappointing, but the two remixes of "Ego Tripping At The Of Hell" and the Christmas song are pretty nice).
Also got slippers, Adidas hoodie, and most importantly ANDIE'S CHOCOLATE MINTS. Next to spiritualized, the mints are the best thing on Earth.
Forgetting Montgomery Show:
After Christmas I decided to go to the show since Tuesdays are pretty lame. Like always its very awkward to be surrounded be emo high schoolers that all smoke. To top that it has be at Clearwater, where there is nowhere to sit, get away from the smoke, charge two fuckin dollars for water and they don't let you leave in between sets, so I had to sit through Panic At The Disco get played over and over and over again. Now, no offense to FM and the rest of the bands, but they are small local bands and you should be able leave and come back for local. I can see them not letting any in or outs for big shows, but come on LOCAL BANDS. Even though screamo really isn't my style, FM had a few songs that were pretty good and the rest of the bands I stayed for were EH.
New Years:
This was probably the best New Years party that I've been to. It was pretty much the same as last year, but I actually new most the people at the party this time. I was very proud that I actually managed my buzz this time and was drunk without throwing up the whole night. Even though half the people that showed up weren't invited, I was always able to find a room to chill in with people that I knew. I even for a while got on good terms with a kid that never really got along with. Until 6 am came around and the party was wrapping up. I found out about the Packers kicking the shit out the bears and went on a drunk rant afterwards. Which pissed off the kid and made him hate me again, since he was a bears fan. Even though I'm sad that the packers barely missed the playoffs, a win over the bears was like the cherry on top for great new years night.
This was followed by the most ugly mourning of the year. I don't know if this year was an improvement to last years puking like eight times. Instead I had the flu and a hang over. Not being able to breathe well and coughing with a hang over is a very bad mix. I some how was able to drive 40 min to home and crash the rest of the day.
Having the flu for over a week(new years didn't help).
No Snow at alllllllll over break!!!!!!!!!(So much for snowboarding) :(
School is about to start and I'm not looking forward to this semester at all.
Rocky Balboa- Surprisingly this movie was quite good. Best Rocky movie I can remember since the original.
Children of Men- This movie is probably the best movie I've seen in a long time. There is one word to describe this movie "intense". The story, plot, and acting are all amazing. I highly recommend it.
Christmas- It was a very good Christmas. I got mostly spiritualized stuff that I had been eagerly looking forward to for months and some unexpected money to keep me a float through whats left of winter and spring.
Christmas Presents:
Spiritualized- Amazing Grace CD(His most recent work has few garage rock gems), The Complete Works Vol. 2 CD(Amazing instrumentals and mix of b-sides and old tracks), Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space(This CD is absolutely amazing and the first three tracks alone are worth the money), Spiritualized T-Shirt(Its so cool I wore it on New Years).
The Flaming Lips-Ego Tripping At the Gates Of Hell EP(The Postal Service Remix of "Do You Realize" is a little disappointing, but the two remixes of "Ego Tripping At The Of Hell" and the Christmas song are pretty nice).
Also got slippers, Adidas hoodie, and most importantly ANDIE'S CHOCOLATE MINTS. Next to spiritualized, the mints are the best thing on Earth.
Forgetting Montgomery Show:
After Christmas I decided to go to the show since Tuesdays are pretty lame. Like always its very awkward to be surrounded be emo high schoolers that all smoke. To top that it has be at Clearwater, where there is nowhere to sit, get away from the smoke, charge two fuckin dollars for water and they don't let you leave in between sets, so I had to sit through Panic At The Disco get played over and over and over again. Now, no offense to FM and the rest of the bands, but they are small local bands and you should be able leave and come back for local. I can see them not letting any in or outs for big shows, but come on LOCAL BANDS. Even though screamo really isn't my style, FM had a few songs that were pretty good and the rest of the bands I stayed for were EH.
New Years:
This was probably the best New Years party that I've been to. It was pretty much the same as last year, but I actually new most the people at the party this time. I was very proud that I actually managed my buzz this time and was drunk without throwing up the whole night. Even though half the people that showed up weren't invited, I was always able to find a room to chill in with people that I knew. I even for a while got on good terms with a kid that never really got along with. Until 6 am came around and the party was wrapping up. I found out about the Packers kicking the shit out the bears and went on a drunk rant afterwards. Which pissed off the kid and made him hate me again, since he was a bears fan. Even though I'm sad that the packers barely missed the playoffs, a win over the bears was like the cherry on top for great new years night.
This was followed by the most ugly mourning of the year. I don't know if this year was an improvement to last years puking like eight times. Instead I had the flu and a hang over. Not being able to breathe well and coughing with a hang over is a very bad mix. I some how was able to drive 40 min to home and crash the rest of the day.
Having the flu for over a week(new years didn't help).
No Snow at alllllllll over break!!!!!!!!!(So much for snowboarding) :(
School is about to start and I'm not looking forward to this semester at all.
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