Friday I missed half the day due to my friends making me catch a late showing of the dark knight, so I caught half of Sebadoh and Public Enemy set was much better than expected. Saterday I took it easy and just chilled mostly with friends, which meant not getting very close to the stages. Sunday I got serious and was able to get to the front row for five acts (two times due to moshing crowd, I got pushed up front during Boris and Cut Copy). It was overall a great time, but had a not so good ending. I'm still not sure if lolla will live up to this line up. We will see.
1.Spiritualized (front row) They outrocked everyone in my opinion, who else smashed their gutiar at the end of the set?
2.Dodos (front row) Great set all around, it was cool when his chair broke and he kept rocking on the floor.
3.!!! Just the fact that they talked trash about pitchfork at their own fest was awsome.
4.Caribou Didn't get into their album, but live they were really good.
5.Apples and Stereo (front row) Love the album and they played evey song I wanted hear.
Honorable Mentions were Public Enemy and Boris
Cut Copy would of made the list if they had a full set.
Both Dodos, Public Enemy, and Caribou were great suprises for me.
Biggest dissappointment was vampire weekend. The crowd didn't seem in to them at all.