This has been a amazing year in music. There are some albums I wasn't able to listen to or haven't formed a solid opinion on the album yet. But there is still plenty of good music I was listen to over the year.
1.Modest Mouse-We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank
Best Modest Mouse album since The Moon & Antarctica. This album took a while to grow on me and appriciate all the songs on this album. It wasn't until I heard Spitting Venom live, that sealed deal as the best album of the year.
2.The Go Find-Stars On the Wall
This Belgian electrinica album, mixed with some acoustic guitar is a quite fantastic album. This album even competes with The Postal Service as my favorite electronica group. I have to thank Sarah for reccomending them to me.
3.The Shins-Wincing the Night Away
I always thought The Shins to be ok, but not amazing. In Wincing the Night Away I beleive they took a small step in a new direction. This new direction I really like and hope they continue in this new direction.
4.Blonde Redhead-23
I've always overlooked Blonde Redhead. Then I heard them live and was in complete bliss for their whole set. Been in love with their new album ever since.
5.Shout Out Louds-Our Ill Wills
I always loved Shout Out Louds due to personal memories tied with their songs. Howl Howl Gaff Gaff is one of my fovorite albums of all time. Even though Our Ill Wills doesn't quite live up to their dubut effort. Doesn't mean its a bad album. Their new sound with lots of percussion is a very interesting sound.
6.Kevin Drew-Spirit If...
For most of the year I completely ignored this album. It wasn't until a person at a party reccomended this album that I decided to check it out. Now I'm very angry at myself for ignoring it so long, since it is as good or maybe better than any Broken Social Scene album.
Best dance album of 2007. Enough said.
8.Elliott Smith-New Moon
Only Elliott Smith was talented enough to have a album of b-sides, be one of the best albums of the year.
9.Sigur Ros-Hvarf-Heim
I am unable to put in words the beauty of Sigur Ros's music.
10.Radiohead-In Rainbows
I still think Radiohead is really overated, but I do think the new album is really good. Plus I give them points for giving the major labels a big screw you. By releasing the album independently and pay as you want.
11.Kanye West-Graduation
Even though I'm not a big fan of rap and some of the lyrics are a little lame, but you got to give him props for the amazing beats. Also anything with Daft Punk can almost always be a good thing.
Other Good Albums:
Matt Pond PA-Last Light
Menomena-Friend or Foe
Andrew Bird-Armchair Apocrypha
Fields-Everything Last Winter
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club-Baby 81
Fiest-The Reminder
Explosions in the sky-All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone
Wilco-Sky Blue Sky
M83-Digital Shades Vol. 1
Rogue Wave-Asleep at Heaven's Gate
Interpol-Our Love to Admire
The Apples in Stereo-New Magnetic Wonder
Lcd Soundsystem-Sound of Silver
Beirut-The Flying Club Cup
The National-Boxer
Pinback-Autumn of the Seraphs
Arcade Fire-Neon Bible
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists-Living with the Living
Top 5 Live Shows:
2.Daft Punk
3.Blonde Redhead
4.The Roots
5.Andrew Bird
Best Old Album That I Discovered:
Unkle-Psyence Fiction
Next year should be just as great. With new albums from Spiritualized, My Bloody Valentine, and Death Cab for Cutie just to name a few. Time to move forwards to 2008 and hope for the best!